Tensile Testing Composite Laminate Specimens to ASTM D3039

ASTM D3039 tensile testing is used to measure the force required to break a polymer composite specimen and the extent to which the specimen stretches or elongates to that breaking point. Tensile tests produce a stress-strain diagram, which is used to determine tensile modulus. The data is often used to specify a material, to design parts to withstand application force and as a quality control check of materials. Since the physical properties of many materials can vary depending on ambient temperature, it is sometimes appropriate to test materials at temperatures that simulate the intended end use environment. 

By means of our testing expertise and modular product design, we will help find the solution that is right for you. Welcome to contact us for help configuring the best test machine and accessories according to your standard.

Tensile Testing Composite Laminate Specimens to ASTM D3039

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